Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Off We Go...

Today we leave for Africa!!! After two whirlwind days of group activities and discussions of Peace Corps policies and such, we are finally going. I am so ready! There are 31 people in our group. My first impression of everyone yesterday: everyone was really nice. Normally in a group this big there are a few personalities that you know you'll clash with but I have sincerely enjoyed meeting everyone so far.

We are going to a clinic this morning to get some shots and then we fly out later tonight. It sounds like we won't be able to call, email, or anything until Thursday at the earliest. So if we don't write, it doesn't mean we've been eaten by a hippo already :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Aaron and Any-
Aunt Ginny here. I hope you have a wonderful and inspiring time in Africa! I love this statement from [I think it's] Mark Twain: "Travel is fatal to prejudice, racism and narrow-mindedness."
It is so true. The more you travel the smaller the world becomes and you realize that people all have the same basic needs and desires. How fun for you both to be embracing this experience together at the outset of your marriage. Take it all in - the good and the bad and learn from every encounter. Your life and world view will forever be expanded and enriched. Also - don't forget to remain as fleeeexible as possible and keep your sense of humor at all times!